Data overview for Lithuania
- Internet usage (of pop.)
- 88.4%
- Did online shopping (age 15+)
- 52.5%
- Paid bills via internet (age 15+)
- 61%
- Accessed a bank account online (age 15+)
- 71.7%
- Paid utility bills using a mobile phone (age 15+)
- 13.6%
- Made or received digital payments (age 15+)
- 90.8%
- Internet usage (of pop.)
- 88.4%
- Did online shopping (age 15+)
- 52.5%
- Paid bills via internet (age 15+)
- 61%
- Accessed a bank account online (age 15+)
- 71.7%
- Paid utility bills using a mobile phone (age 15+)
- 13.6%
- Made or received digital payments (age 15+)
- 90.8%
Macro data
- Population 2022
- 2.8M
- GDP Total 2022
- €19.4B
- GDP per capita 2022 (PPP)
- €43,300
- GDP forecast 2021
- 1.9%
- Trade Flows (% of GDP)
- 131%
Banking data
- Total bank assets 2022
- €57.4B
- Total bank assets 2022/GDP
- 85.8%
- Account ownership (age 15+)
- 93.5%
- Debit card ownership (age 15+)
- 74.4%
Economic data
- Unemployment
- 6.6%
- Currency
- Remittances (% of GDP)
- 1.4%
- Private Consumption (yoy)
- 0.5%
Data provided by Raiffeisen Research, Sources
Articles from Lithuania coming soon
Lithuania compared to other CEE countries
- Internet usage (of pop.)
- 88.4%
- Did online shopping (age 15+)
- 52.5%
- Paid bills via internet (age 15+)
- 61%
- Accessed a bank account online (age 15+)
- 71.7%
Data provided by Raiffeisen Research, Sources