Vespia: A legion of superheroes on a mission to demystify AML and KYB
Vespia is an Estonian startup, co-founded in 2020 by Julia Ront and Anton Vedešin. We talked with…Continue reading
- Internet usage (of pop.)
- 92.3%
- Did online shopping (age 15+)
- 68.5%
- Paid bills via internet (age 15+)
- 85.3%
- Accessed a bank account online (age 15+)
- 91.1%
- Paid utility bills using a mobile phone (age 15+)
- 32.4%
- Made or received digital payments (age 15+)
- 98.7%
Data overview for Estonia
- Internet usage (of pop.)
- 92.3%
- Did online shopping (age 15+)
- 68.5%
- Paid bills via internet (age 15+)
- 85.3%
- Accessed a bank account online (age 15+)
- 91.1%
- Paid utility bills using a mobile phone (age 15+)
- 32.4%
- Made or received digital payments (age 15+)
- 98.7%
Macro data
- Population 2022
- 1.3M
- GDP Total 2022
- €36.2B
- GDP per capita 2022 (PPP)
- €41,600
- GDP forecast 2021
- -1.3%
- Trade Flows (% of GDP)
- 136.4%
Banking data
- Total bank assets 2022
- €38.1B
- Total bank assets 2022/GDP
- 105.3%
- Account ownership (age 15+)
- 99.4%
- Debit card ownership (age 15+)
- 96.7%
Economic data
- Unemployment
- 5.9%
- Currency
- Remittances (% of GDP)
- 1.6%
- Private Consumption (yoy)
- 2.5%
Data provided by Raiffeisen Research, Sources
Articles about fintech in Estonia
How FinanceEstonia contributes to developing their country’s fintech ecosystem
FinanceEstonia’s Head of Fintech Section and Board Member talks about how how Estonian startups responded to Covid-19,…Continue reading
Estonia compared to other CEE countries
- Internet usage (of pop.)
- 92.3%
- Did online shopping (age 15+)
- 68.5%
- Paid bills via internet (age 15+)
- 85.3%
- Accessed a bank account online (age 15+)
- 91.1%
Data provided by Raiffeisen Research, Sources